
An AI enabled tool for prediction of Diabetic Retinopathy and Glaucoma based on fundus images.


Efficient Prediction Models

Efficient models trained on Inception-v3, with weightage on recall.

Patient Tracking

Powerful MIS to create and track patient, and patient's historical predictions.

Continuous Learning

Inputs reviewed by opthalmologists and added to training.


The rationale for developing countries.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic Retinopathy is an eye illness caused by diabetes that may lead to vision impairment and even to blindness if it isn't identified and treated early. Of the estimated 422 million diabetics globally, more than 148 million have DR and 48 million have Vision Threating DR (VTDR).

However, because of insufficient specialists and eye care health workers globally as well as locally to screen everyone at risk, the situation seems acute especially in developing countries like Nepal. Besides, Nepal has difficult geographical terrain and people living in remorse remote areas with limited or no access to clinics and screening facilities making the condition even worse.


Glaucoma is a diverse group of disorders representing the second prominent cause of blindness. It has already affected 91 million individuals all over the world. It has multiple risk factors such as older age, elevated intraocular pressure (IOP), and thinner central corneal thickness etc. However, one or more of these risk factors may or may not develop glaucoma making it difficult for accurate prediction of the disease. Additionally, since glaucoma can be asymptomatic, its detection before significant vision loss is critical. Hence, automated methods for predicting glaucoma could have a significant impact.

An intuitive app

Easy to use, access managed platform, with the primary focus on providing assistance to our opthalmologists.

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